Sunday, 23 November 2014

Maine Route 1

In 2010 we had a lovely time driving Route 1 to its end (or beginning) in Key West, so it was nice to catch up with an old friend and drive along it down the southern coast of Maine to Portland. Known as the Coastal Route, it provides a far more scenic and delighful alternative to Interstate 95.

Dotted with small towns, you could be forgiven for thinking you were on the other side of the Atlantic as we drove through Camden, Bath, Newcastle, Falmouth, Portsmouth, and Belfast, stopping for lunch in the delighful Wiscasset Village in a local cafe was just a few items on the menu ...
And this was just the INSIDE of the menu ... the front and back were also smothered in choices
Yes, that is snow in the foreground
On the road to Belfast!

Lincolnville Beach, Maine Route 1
Great view from the back of the Beyond the Sea bookstore in Lincolnville Beach, Maine Route 1

Wiscasset Village, Maine Route 1
A somewhat harrowing part of the trip was driving over the Penobscot Narrows Bridge that connects Verona Island to Prospect. While an attractive looking bridge from afar ...

... it is freaky as hell to drive over, since the span is on the inside and you feel like your're trapped on a tiny ledge on the outside. Check out this YouTube video to see what I mean ... jump forward to 1.25 when the actual bridge drive begins.

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